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Wear It Pink?

I wore it PINK when I really felt BLUE,

Could a different colour reflect my mood?


So I wore it BLACK in my darkest hour,

Just as the YELLOW daffodils burst into flower.


Should I wear GREEN to embrace the spring?

And pretend the GREY clouds can dance and sing?


Maybe if I wear PURPLE it will show my passion for life,

But the RED of my anger still cut like a knife.


Perhaps BROWN would be more neutral and keep me sane?

Or WHITE would shine bright through my pouring rain?


.............creating a rainbow or prism effect.........

To remind me of all the colours I mustn't neglect.


I've felt so many colours, now I come to think,

So I might as well just wear it PINK!

NikkiNikki Bednall is a breast cancer blogger at Lifeafterlola.com and works as a systems analyst at the University of Nottingham. She sent this poem to the Health Secretary in 2018 for the Breast Cancer Now #55000reasons campaign
to increase NHS funding for breast cancer.

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