Anxiety & Fear
Hi ,
I have massage Indian head and reflexology.
It definitely does help but just turned 10 years remission very blessed as my cancer was found incidently. I must say I still suffer from anxiety and panic attacks not sure if life will now be any different? Be good to get other peoples advice. Have tried counselling CBT other therapies spent a fortune! Sending love to everyone .
Hi folks,
We're going to spend the next two weeks looking at fear, anxiety, and what you can do about it!
-Has Covid-19 increased or decreased any feelings of anxiety you experience?
- What strategies do you use to deal with fears around your health?
- What helps with anxiety?
- How are you feeling about your health and future as things change?
It would be great hear from you here on the forum, and if you're looking for stories or strategies, you can find them over on the hub:
Hope all is well
Laura x