The journey through oesophogeal cancer
Visiting the Maggie Centre Forth Valley and attending their course"Where Now" was very helpful. Meeting others who'd come through treatment really helped.
I spent 6 days at a time in Beatson getting chemo 24 hrs a day. Then 35 days radiotherapy after these months. I felt in Beatson I'd become "part of a family". Then, when it stopped, I felt lost..
I didn't think Maggie's was my scene. Well, I wouldn't have coped without it and the super people I met there.
We still meet up for lunch every 8 weeks. You're with people who've been there, done that. Cancer isn't fair on anyone, and knocks on any door. It stops you "living" for a very long time, and it leaves you vulnerable. '...Don't want to go there, do that, and every ache or pain ? it back?'
No, I'm not the same bubbly person I was. However, I'm HERE !! So life goes on but not as I knew it.